Monday, March 31, 2008

LIFE vs CARMEN getting into Carleton ID

So I checked the UPS tracking system (for the 10th time). It was updated last at "23:43" todayand it didn't report any acknowledgement of arrival at Carleton University. It's supposed to have arrived at Carleton by noon today. It's due tomorow. (techinically today, its past midnight) So cross your fingers and toes people, that it flies there between now and tomorrow and they still take my portfolio in. Because as my friend put it, "It seems like life just doesn't want you to get your portfolio done" (or into Carleton)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Carleton University

For some reason, this portfolio is the most taxing one of all. It is also the best school of all. (I think) So it is not one I can give up easily on.
My first mistake lies in the overestimation of time. (as usual) It's currently 10am Friday, and the portfolio deadline is April first - Tuesday. I had to priority courier my digital portfolio by UPS just a few minutes ago. Lucky for me, it is arriving at Carleton on Monday at noon. It is, uncomfortably, a very close call . Any later and I'd be missing the deadline entirely.
My second mistake lies in my stupidity for not realizing that deadlines meant final dates, and so one could and should feel free to submit what they want any time before that specified date; unlike university assignments, which are always handed in the day they are due. I realized this when Carleton called me and they told me that they were ALREADY handing out acceptances up until the beginning of April-ish. So by handing in work by the last day, I become the runt of the litter.
So this week has been quite rough. I have been able to sleep in my bed only three times this week, and eat a full dinner two times this week. Staying up late working makes it feel like I have lived through two weeks instead of just one. Even though I stayed up every night this week working on my portfolio, I still managed to have to pull a full all nighter last night to get it completely finished.

But all in all, I have nothing really to comment. It is good to be rid of the portfolio from my hands. There were a few points this week in the middle of the night where I was ready to forfeit. Because I remmeber:
1. don't "mien chiang" it, if you get it, then go, remmeber that your priorities lie in graduation, first.
2. in order to get what you want, you have to work hard to earn it.
But where lies the invisible line where/when I should stop pushing myself to completion and focus on more proximal priorities? When can I gauge that something is just too much for me, and that the better option is to stop, instead of keep going? before it becomes detrimental? (Have I come full circle to my inital dilemma? re: ECIAD? heehee)

Nevertheless, I am tired, and a little worn. I have to thank so many people (like you) for their support and encouragment in my possibly silly endeavour. Enclosed is what I submitted.

+CV, Portfolio notes, Statement of Intent

If you took my photography poll. Thanks! I updated the site with the number of votes each photo received incase you were curious.

+ unusual tidbit! I got a laptop and an extra usb on Thursday (before holy week) and my computer died this Wednesday. Lucky for me, I kept all my portfolio work on the usb. (or else I would seriously forfeit) Strange timing isn't it? But so I currently have no access to my computer stuff. Which kind of really bites. because there's a LOT of stuff in there I want!

Monday, March 24, 2008


I know I haven't posted in like two weeks... or a month. My apologies, but I'll digress later.

I'm not an authentic photographer, but sometimes I try. My problem is that I lack a focus in the image. I never had time to take actual courses. I hastily went through photos on my photo drive and memory to select a few. Take a look, I think I'm going to submit two. .or none since photography isn't my cup of tea yet. Let me know which, because I am the Queen of indecisiveness.

enjoy, and thanks.