Saturday, July 19, 2008

Appreciation Dinner - Yearbook Souvenir [c. May2008]

OK, so it's been a super long while. I haven't touched anything artsy (other than my travel scrapbook, which doesn't count) for the most of summer. I know deep down, instead of studying math and physics, I should be honing my creativity skills, but hopefully I will be fine. These are the yearbook pages of the souvenir for Appreciation Dinner. I don't know why they are blue, but it should be a dark redish brown. For some reason, I was not able to design something out of the "FGS mold". But next time hopefully I would -something a bit more young, fresh and contemporary. I had a lot of help with my friends, so thank you to you! We split pages to work on because we were super short on time.
Well so here it is, I thought I had lost the files, so I never posted them. I found the TIFs but I am unsure about the psd files. However, at this moment I don't care too much!

Some feedback was simply that
a. I stupidly forgot to put a date on the book. So in the future when someone picks up the book, how will they know when/where this "yearbook" was from?
b. It didn't occur to me to put the FGS logo on it. Kind of like company logo, how could I forget?
c. The background colour is very dark, making the whole piece dark.
d. Some pages simply have awful layouts!

my aplogies for the poor quality, and the blueness. The original is ofcourse, in much better quality and colour, these JPGs don't do it justice. I'll fix it up...when I have time...later...but for now... try to enjoy!




**A million Thank-Yous for Mike and Stan for staying up all night, and Mike for missing out on the dinner itself. And only half a million thank yous to Jack for teaching me heaps on photoshop, of which I have mostly forgotten. And everyone who helped me cut, bind, glue, and missed out on the great dinner!