Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I had my interview today.
This is how my day went...
9am I woke up, went to Kinkos and printed my work. I'm disappointed in kinko's and I'm debating if I ever want to go there again instead of Staples. Their printer toner was low in yellow ink so my pages came out streaky. I thought that doing printing outside should equal better/higher quality printing (and not just higher quality paper), but I feel like if I had a good home printer, I could have done it myself. Word files, however, come out nice and crispy. But I don't understand why it looks 80% better on my computer, and when it prints, it looks uncrisp... is it resolution?

1pm I went to the bus station to go to Union. Then I realized I forgot my sketchbook, so I had to go back home. The next bus came at 2:20, and my interview is at 2:25. I begged mom for the car and she gave in.

2:30 I'm at OCAD, and I look around, and practically everyone is asian. I go into my interview room, and everyone IS asain. I was totally intimidated because everyone brought their large portfolios and original works, and all I had was a black sketchbook and my freshly printed portfolio book on a large empty table.
I'm interviewed twice, and the first guy didn't seem too impressed with my work because it looked so sparse and I didn't tell him I was from university in a non-related program. I mentioned it afterwards though, and he seemed a bit more understanding. He asked me to explain everything in my portfolio as well.
The second guy, just flipped through my portfolio and sketchbook without asking me about my work. I mentioned the being a university student thing to him first, and he was pleased and said, "Oh, that's very good. That's really useful and important" And then he asked me why people like sweet things. (Maybe it was a test) Anyway, he went through my portfolio more than once, and then said that I should apply for advance placement. And I was like, don't I need foundation year? I'm not really skilled in the arts/drawing etc. and he said, "You don't need to know how to draw for industrial design!" So, I said ok well, if it's another interview, I may as well, since there is nothing to lose. The only setback is that I may not know terms and etc. in classes in second year if I don't do first year. Anyway, so in the confidential interview paper, he showed me, he put an X in the box for YES, I SUPPORT THIS PERSON'S ADMISSION INTO OCAD, and then put a note on the side saying that he supports me for advance placement, and to ask him about it if there are any inquiries!

I hope Carleton could be as happy as that.

5pm I told mom the details, and then she asked me, "Do you want to go to OCAD?" I simply shrugged. I don't know!

8pm I'm having dinner with a cute 90 year old lady and my friend SMS's me to tell me I spelt the word "orchid" wrong in my portfolio. ><

I know I'm not 100% finished yet, but I am 3/4 the way there. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! It really does keep my head above the water.

Monday, February 18, 2008


So this is pretty much what I'm handing in. Because today is a public holiday everything is closed. I'm printing it tomorrow morning and then going to the interview! Since I am no longer "mien chiang" (to force/to push oneself/onething) this whole industrial-design-right-after-I-graduate-and-start-in-september-08, this should simply be just a great learning process. I'm going to take it easy! So hit the road jack!


nonetheless, I think that...
1. I don't like the background colour anymore >> I've changed it. and I like it now that it's not the colour of tuna
2. I don't know if I should keep landscape photos as landscape, or keep it fitted into a portrait page
3. I was having difficulties with my fashion design page layout
4. My wash is the weakest piece in the portfolio, what did my friend see in it that I didn't?
5. I touched up the orchid sketch, but is it up to par?

perhaps I am my worst critic!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Seamore the Seamonster

This is Seamore, the Seamonster, personally, I think this one is the best piece I have. Below are two process photos, of the paper-mache monster in the making, and three final photos. Maybe I will hand in/show all three?

*much thanks, ofcourse, to my friend who helped a LOT in the creation of Seamore.

Monday, February 11, 2008

There's nothing going in for ECIAD.

And I know it's not Sunday, I didn't post yesterday because my computer is getting away from me and dying.

It's funny, I was having a crazy week and a half of work. I was totally in over my head of things to do. Lack of sleep, lack of food, and where there is a deficiency, there is an overabundance of work. My room was a mess. I'd wake up, grab what I need, go to school, and then come home at night drop it on the ground somewhere tired and go to bed. And my friend messaged me to see how I was doing and suggested that I could take a year off, and that what is an extra year if you are going to dedicate your life to art anyway. And that the difference between professionalism and being a student is the failures and the learning process. And I should go in with a solid foundation, rather than a shaky one because it is going to be even more hard work (blood, sweat and tears) when I make it in if I start shaky. I found it funny because the advice just comes at such curious moments in time and it's nice to find my "san tze shih" looking out for me out there.

So, I realized, Saturday night, that I am going to stop. That I'm way over in my head with the things I want to do, and it is actually impossible to accomplish it all. Ambition is good, but it needs to be realistic. To be doing my portfolio while I am in a non-related program, to be running a school club on the side, to be an active member in a fashion show and other small school extra curriculars, to have a side job at home, and responsibilities at the temple. If I handed in my ECIAD portfolio this week, I would not be able to study for my two midterms and would consequently fail the test, and possibly the course. It's just not worth it. I cannot not graduate! I should take what I have right here, right now, and do it and finish it well and then start working on my future endeavors. They are not going anywhere and neither am I. I think if I pushed and pursued for both things, I would be in a definite lose-lose situation.

So maybe not this year then, the next! Slowly but surely.

But speaking of fashion show, here are my designs from the show. the first two photos are courtesy of this man called Larry Strung at hamilton365.com . Our next show is Mar. 1st at Innis Town Hall UT!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

stuff from under the bed

Look! I'm posting and it's not even a Sunday!
I am still in search of my stop motion animation. There's no way in the world I would have deleted it. Nevertheless this is what else I've found instead.. just more junk that I spend my time making(from scratch ofcourse) . Since this is a blog of my work I suppose I can have the liberty of posting anything I create...portfolio or non-portfolio. So enjoy..?

camera holder

muskoka chair for charity (group proj)

installation/ "Falling Leaves"

Wirework / "Self portrait" (think Calder!)

birthday cake

Christmas wrapping

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Emily Carr

The ECIAD porfolio deadline is in two weeks. I'm totally in over my head in work. Stretching myself out too thin? I got a phone call from a friend today who heard that I was swamped, and she called to give me encouragement. My heart warms at the thought of it! I'm not going home for two weeks, so I frantically photodocumented most of my old stuff. And anything new I will be doing at school. These are things I can hand in to Emily Carr, and some things that I'm not!:

portraits (of me? of who?):

gesture drawings:


mosaic//digital media/"beauty"//collage


paper sculpture // paper mache / "paper faces on display"

Do I fill all the criteria? No sireee. (cogito)