Thursday, March 28, 2013

presentation plans

The final presentation is in less than a week. I've been thinking about it for a few days now, and it's strange how much it baffles me on how to present everything I've learned in only ten minutes. Not only that, but I have no idea where to start. It's been such a long eight months! I made a linear 'speech structure' but I can't figure out if one should start their presentation with the final result and work backwards, or start from the beginning and then show the final result. The work is not linear, A did not lead to B, necessarily, so I re-did my plans and made a bubble instead. I wonder if I can present in a non-linear way and people will still understand me...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

crumple study

We're all falling apart. I was walking down the hall today from my studio when my friend was explaining to me how stressed and tired to the bones he was. It sort of feels like this, crumpling up and downsizing into a safe feeling ball. I tried to draw it out, because I was too shy to do it in the real world, but anyway, you get the idea. It's a weird body shape.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Figuring things out

I'm getting into a good routine now, waking up super early and getting to work when it's all quiet and the residue of the day doesn't weigh you down. Still lots of work to do though, but it's getting done. I'm in the process of building a new connector that works similarly to a universal joint, because the one I prototyped for Uganda had alignment issues that could not be resolved by Kio, our welder. Hopefully this one will work better! (In theory, it does)

Anyway, proof that I'm actually working:

Saturday, March 16, 2013


We had an open assignment about self reflection today. I never make my own covers for my notebooks it's always through found "art", but for this assignment I did. Since mini-notebook making has been a three year obsession of mine.


almost lucky

favourite piano part


children's stories

confused heads1

confused heads2

confused heads3

Friday, March 15, 2013


They decided that they wanted to get their word out there as fast as possible, so a quick poster was drafted and sent to all subdivisions in North America. Originally meant to be a quick poster to disseminate information to local youth groups the deadline kept getting pushed and it ended up taking months before we were able to send it out. Although not within my plans, the logo, too, was eventually derived from the poster.

and yes, I'm swamped.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Final model begins

I'm starting to build my final model for the project now. I estimate two full weeks of work, but we'll see. On the outside, there won't be many changes.. at first glance, I think many people will assume that I am simply rebuilding what I had done five weeks ago, but the devil is in the details and the changes, albeit small, are necessary technical adjustments.

Today's problem: Finding a thick large sprocket with a small hole.

Onward ho!

Aureline Tu

Aureline Tu, a Carleton Alumni came today as a guest speaker. She talked about her work and process. She's young and successful as an industrial designer! Although she doesn't tell us about the amount of hard work it takes to be where she is today, I can tell you (as Bill Nye once told me) that there are no big breaks in life, just little ones so you have to keep going and work hard, always.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Victor Margolin: Design and the Risk of Change

Here are my notes for Victor Margolin's keynote lecture on Design and the Risk of Change. I found it interesting, and tried to scribble as much as I could, but the bottom line was that change is inevitable, and as it is a "risk" because these changes may involve unknown factors, today, it is (even more so important for) up to designers to step up to the plate and adapt their skillset to building a better society --rather than just designing products.