Friday, March 11, 2016

2016:10 What I learned this week

- Chatting with friends outside of the realm I work in, I realised I am actually good at what I do. I work at a place where the work and people are of such high calibre that I am constantly being challenged, so I never feel like I'm on top of my game, rather just constantly struggling to learn more, do more, impress more. I should stop and take time to give myself a pat on my back.

Take a look at what other people have on their home screens /how they organize and prioritize apps 

Google venture discovery sprints - Marty Cagan explains how discovery sprints helped the Google Ventures team solve their product challenges.

Epson’s paper lab recycles your paper in-house

Mattel has a 3d printer! No longer just a specialized vocational tool, it's an accessible toy for 5 year olds!

Friday, March 4, 2016

2016:9 What I learned this week

Drawings and annotations of the objects people own in their homes. It's like visiting someone's home and going through their stuff, but through drawings called "soft maps"
Rothuizen's soft maps shed light on individual behaviours and desires, which are crucial elements to understand in urban planning. Rothuizen: "My drawings show how our ideas of what we want and what we have are two different things. I think that in order to plan what we want, we should start with what we have."

Next big thing in design – IDEO’s next strategy

UX is not enough

I love these things. A small website that serve a small but specific purpose. 
Frank calls you everyday to collect and record your feedback of your day.

A (really good!) science fiction future (20 min film)
"In a near future where most people get a "cricket" implanted in their brains that allows them to switch to an “automatic mode,” a cricket repair man is faced with a moral dilemma when the parents of an autistic boy ask him to hack into the chip of their son."