Saturday, November 28, 2015

2015:49 What I learned this week

Career advice

Detroit 2030. Planning the future of the city together with the citizens of Detroit.

IKEA LATTJO collection. Toys! "Play it forward"

Cooper Hewitt  how design has become more and more user-focused over the past fifty years, and how this shift has affected the daily lives of people everywhere

Sunday, November 15, 2015

2015:46 What I learned this week

camera drone that you just throw and it follows you. It's also cute.

Talk to your intelligent robot to assist you. Yes, like Her.

RSID has a design and health program

As I try to understand more about what is a designer, strategist, design strategy, design thinking:

A good article from AIGA about the role designers play in strategy. An excerpt from "Success by Design: The Essential Business Reference for Designers" It's not explicit, but it is probably skewed towards graphic designers

IDEO's expertise as Business Design explains what design thinking x corporate strategy is for IDEO, and case studies to prove its value